Portage Daily Register from Portage, Wisconsin (2024)

I I I I Republicans Should Not Among Themselves The pre-convention campaign of the Republican party is now entering the home stretch. It is only five weeks before delegates will begin to assemble in Chicago to nominate candidates and adopt a platform. At this stage any campaign is apt to getbitter. Candidates and their supporters who have been stumping the nation, laying plans for convention strategy, striving to create a wave of sentiment in favor of their candidate are apt to do things and say things that arouse bitter animosities. It is unfortunate that this is apparently happening in the Republican are party.

Both Eisenhower and Taft forces apparently becoming a little -anxious. They are, things that they may regret at a later: saying time. But usually these differences are pretty well resolved within a few weeks after the convention and the members of party find it possible to unite behind the party nominee. Lyle Wilson Says: Indications Promise Eager Truman Drive for Candidate By LYLE WILSON United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON, The Army Signal Corps has overhauled President Truman's whistle-stop campaign Pullman. It needs only 15 or so cars to be hooked in front of it to become Mr.

Truman's 1952 campaign train. The President's promise and eagerness 10 campaign for the Democratic ticket and a Democratic Congress again this year are too obvious to permit doubt that he intends to do so. The kind of campaign, however. deperds most of all on whom the Republicans nominate for President and vice president. Mr.

Truman repeatedly has said that Sen. Rob ert A. Taft of Ohio is his favorite for the Republican nomination. Of Gen. Dwight D.

Eisenhower the President always has spoken kindly, often with affection and rarely without some tribute to the general's virtues. After all. Eisen. hower was Mr. Truman's candidate for President in 1945 when be offered to support the general if he desired cun in.

1948. So Mr. Truman's pitch in this campaign year will not be the sane for Eisenhower that it would be for Taft. Taft's: nomination would spotlight foreign policy, Eischhower's would shadow it. The President would campaign against Taft as an Individual and in all other respects.

He would pour it on Taft at the whistle stops because the President is among those who see in Taft the man who more than any other has determined Republican party pollcles, Mr. Truman's friendly references to Eisenhower and his unfriendly references to Taft have suggested to some persons that the President may now figure that such tactics would hinder the general and help the senator to obtain the Republicab nomination. Obituary Laura Haskey ENDEAVOR Laura Rosella Haskey, oldest child of James and Lodemia Keech, was born in the city of Janesville on June 27, 1871. She was united in marriage to John Haskey on November 25. 1897.

They have made their home in Endeavor for over fifty years, many of which she ran a mittiery shop. She is survived by her husband and three children, Alta, Mrs. Harry G. Weitzel of Endeavor: Carlton of La Crosse and Vera, Mrs. Hollis Johnston of Endeavor and one sister, Mrs.

Myrtle Rundale, Portage. A son William died in infancy. She died at Divine. Savior hospital in Portage on May 24. 1952 at the age of 80 years, 10 months and 27 days.

Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon at the Endeavor Congregational church. Se was buried in the Hillerest cemetery. Berlin's recovery as a tourist center is indicated by an increase of 73 per cent in the number of foreign visitors and a gain of 66 per cent in the number of overnight lodgings last year over the previous year. Notice to City Subscribers If your paper is not delivered oh schedule call Don Anderson. 625-R between 5:30 and 6:30 p.

m. No deliveries can be made after 7:00 p.m. If. paper is found after skip, boy is called but before he delivers please call back and save him an unnecessary trip. All starts, stops, and address changes must be in our office by 2:00 p.

m. in order to be changed the same day. PORTAGE DAILY REGISTER AND DEMOCRAT Dally Newspaper, Serving Columbia, Marquette and Distriets in Other Adjoining Counties. PUBLISHED DAILY (AFTERNOON) 319 De Witt Street, Portage, Wisdonsin W. T.

COMSTOCK. Editer CONSTOCK PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers Subscriptions- Delivered by Carrier in the Gity, 30 Conta 41VBy Mail In Trade Area One Year. Six Mouths, $3.75 All Other in Wisconsin One Year, $9.00 Six Months, $5.00 Outside State 81.00 Per Month Entered at Post Office, Portage, Wis. consin, 4a Second Class Mail Matter Under act of March 3, 1679, It is fortunate that Americans have such an attitude toward politics. It is the attitude which preserves the two party system which has been found essential for efficient democratic government.

It might be well for us average voters to take some of the things that are being said today with proverbial grain of salt. After all we do not want a fight within our party which will leave bitter scars long after the convention adjourns. While this writer favors the Taft candidacy, because we know more about how he stands on important issues than how his major opponent stands, we can still go along with Eisenhower candidacy if he receives the nomination. In fact we believe that we could become quite enthusiastic over the candidacy of General Eisenhower if he is the nominee, because we are convinced that what this couns in. try urgently needs right now is a change government.

The Democratic party has been in office for twenty years. That's too long for any single administration. A new party should take over in 1953 for the good of the nation. Obituary Conrad Mohr William Mohr died Tuesday May 13, 1952 at home, 332 E. Howard street, Portage.

Mr. Mohr was born in the Town of Randolph, Columbia county on February 8, 1871. He baptized in the St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed church in the Town of Scott on May 7. 1871.

It was on April 6, 1884 that he recelved the rite of tion in the same church. On June 8. 1808 he was married to Elizabeth Caroline Port. His wife preceded him in death on May 26, 1947. Funeral services were conducted from the Trinity Ev.

and Reformed church on Friday May 16. at 2:00 p. m. The Rev. Stanley S.

Huesemann officiated. and burial was made in the Oak Grove cemetery. During the services, the Trinity choir sang "Under His Wings" and Jesus as Thou Wilt." accompanied by Mrs. Irma Berry. Surviving Mr.

Mohr are two sons, Leonard Mohr. of Beaver Dam: and Arthur Mohr, of Fort Winnebago; two daughters, Ruby, Mrs. J. P. MeSorley, Minneapolis, and Irma, Mrs.

Walter Honnold, of Coshocton, Ohio: one brother, Henry Mohr, of Oak Park, seven- grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. The pallbearers were: Ple. James Honnold, Merlyn Mohr, Staff Sgt. Melvin Mohr, Torn Herschbach. Howard Gerbitz and Donald Port.

Relatives from away who were present at the last rites were: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Port, St.

Paul. Mr. and Mrs. T. G.

Herschbach. Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. Adam. Port, Mr.

and Mrs. Emil Port and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schultz of Horicon: Mr. H.

Mohr and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mohr, Forest Park, 111.: Mr. Fred Mohr, Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Vonberg, Augusta: Staff Sgt. Melvin G. Mohr, Big Springs, Texas; Pfe. James Honnoid, Atterbury, Indiana; "Mrs. R.

J. McMullen, Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Jones. Madison: Merton.

Mohr, Cambria and Mrs. Lydia Mohr, Markesan, Wis, Lake Damage In 1951 Set at 61 Millions Army Report Lists Three Possible Ways of Relief CHICAGO, (UP) Great Lakes high, water. level damage out American 'shores was placed at $61.352.900 during the last year. by the U. S.

Army Corps of Engineers in a report to be submitted to the house public works committee next week. Col. W. P. Trower, Great Lakes division engineer, made the figure public at a news conference, About half the total lake damage, $30,643.800, was to shore property Trower said.

Lt. Gen. Lewis Ar Pick, chief of the Corps of Army Engineers, will submit the report to the house committee. next week for possible remedial. legislation.

The report will consider three possible ways to bring relief to shoreline property owners: Three Ways of Relief 1. Water diversion and, other artificial factors affecting lake levels. 2. A regulating system of, gates at outlet channels. 3.

Seawalls, levees and other shore protection works. Trower indicated that shore protection measures are the most practical way to get temporary relief at this time. Regulation is a time-consuming, long-term project which ultimately would require the co-operation of he said. best way to solve the problem, he went on, a nice, long, hot, dry summer. That might break this trend.

The last two weeks have not helped much. Lake Michigan rose only twotenths foot between the first five days of May and the five days: ending May 25, Trower said. This is slightly lower than the normal three-tenths average for May. Lowville Center Mrs. Hilton Curtis Miss Arlene Mills spent last weekend at home from her duties at.

Anker hospital in St. Paul. The Keith Tomlinson and George Pitman families enjoyed fishing at Ryans pond Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.

Vern Hutchinson were Portage shoppers Tuesday morning. Mrs. Alfred Martin was among the relatives who attended the funeral of Watsan Schwartz at Wauwautosa on Monday. Marvin Tomlinson spent last Friday with his Grandfather Karow at Windsor and enjoyed a picnic dinner and fishing trip. 16 Flee Rooming House Fire in Milwaukee MILWAUKEE.

(UP)- Firemen carried six persons down ladders to safety early Saturday when fire broke out in a three-story brick rooming house on Milwaukee's near west side, Sixteen persons. were forced 10 flee in their nightclothes when fire from an unknown cause started. in a first-floor bedroom. Firemen said I some of the residents on the upper floors: couldn't get to the stairway. because of dense smoke and they were taken down ladders.

Inside WASHINGTON TON MARCH OF EVENTS Newsprint $10 Ton Rise Retaliation by Canada? Special to Central -Canada's plan to raise WAS ton la TON regarded by some officials in against United States trade restrictions. The Increase will take effect June 15 cessful in persuading Canada to set the every newspaper publisher in this country. S. Trade Restrictions May Be Cause of Boost -Press the price of newsprint $10 Washington as retabation unless U. S.

officials are sucorder aside. It would affect Many nations, including Great, Britain, Italy, France and. Canada, are incensed over America's determination to place greater limitations on Imports. Some officials say it is possible that the newsprint price boost could be part of a plan to put pressure on the United States to ease the trade restrictions. Certainly, if Congress were to take steps toward freer trade, officials say, such, measures the newsprint price increase might be avoided.

NO JET AIRLINES- -You won't see any jet airliners on American airlines in the near future despite the recent British Airways commercial jet transport fight from London to South Africa. American research on the jet transport hasn't caught up with the efforts of the in the commercial Geld while the work to military jets. United States research is likely unless there is some drastic change the commercial jet will just have to Newsprint Roll On Press British who have been specializing. United States has been devoting its to continue along military lines in the world situation. Work on wait until the military job is done.

LABOR PARADE Union leaders and representatives are expected to begin a big parade to Washington to ask the. Wage Stabilization board to give them what the steel and oil workers got, The steel case is still pending but the oil dispute seems to be near a settlement. In both instances, board recommendations have set the pattern which labor sources regard as a virtual formula for an agreement. It may lead to a revision of the wage provisions in the stabilization program. Industry spokesmen have asked Congress to eliminate the board's power to rule on disputes and confine its activities to deciding whether: a proposed raise would upset stabilization regulations.

Since labor has scored heavily on the wage front, the unions are expected to make further demands. Division created, will be taken to prevent the NO WEHRMACHT-1 a new German army is Size Limit resurgence of general- staff which has been held Planned responsible for the of World War IF Under present plans, the German force would be limited to division size and integrated with troops of other members of the European Defense Community, It is anticipated that they would be used outside 'of Germany and their top commanders would be foreign officers. reasons for this are two (1) It is desighed to still French fears of a strong re-militarized Germany, (2) young Germans are not anxious to serve under officers who pledged allegiance to Adolf Hitler. Safety Officials Hit State Traffic Enforcement Policy MADISON, (UP) A national safety council official told state officials Thursday that Wisconsin may begin now "to reap the harvest of an, unsound traffic law enforcement polley. Lew Wallace.

president. of the council, warned the governor committee for highway safety that Wisconsin has been most fortenate" that its highway record has not been worse: Wallace presented a safety cour-i cil breakdown of Wisconsin highway safety activities after Gov. Walter Kohler opened the meeting with a plea for "sound ideas for reduction of our ghastly motor vehicke accident toll. Kobiler revealed that the state's traffic deaths have risen 45 per cent over the same time in 1951. Recommend Changes The -council appraisal a de recommendations for several changes in salety work, -but bit hardest at enforcement.

It was of: enforcement that Wallace said Wisconsin may "now reap the harvest of an unsound program. He said records show the Wisconsin highway patrol spends most of its time enforcing license and weight regulations, and while this is entirely, proper, it does not the fact that Wisconsin for all intents and purposes is working under the very material disadvantage of not having a strong and integrated state traffic law enforcement program. Provision of such a force. the report said, "coupled with continuation of the current excellent level of county activity, would bid fair to give the state one of the best traffic safety records in the Wallace said he could predict no hesitation" that the state would save more than its investment it the state would increase its force of about 54. full time.

officers. The report, said Wisconforce is 390 men under comin council appraisals. parable, states with, high rankings The report also called for study of compulsory vehicle inspection, check of accident reporting systems to: weed out duplication, preparation ef standard monthly accident summaries, increased traffic administration and survey staffs, an effort to bring drivers license examiners under state supervision off full time. basis, consideration of stricter drivers' tests, and more aid for municipal agencies workLing on reduction of traffic accidents. national headquarters would pay the expenses, Ingalls charged that the plan comes pretty close to bribery.

He said the invitation fis only one example of the money poured by. Wall Street into the drive to put Eisenhower into the White House. Sullivan called the plan grOSS bribery in the best tradition of the Republican Party," and brazen attempt to He demanded an investigation by the Justice Department to seek possible of the Corrupt Practices Act." PORTAGE DAILY REGISTER WANTADS- 80 Much For So Little THE 1' SPECIALIST VR.WORLD YOUR EGO DEFLATED WAILE YOU WAIT A 15 IN GRADUATE SECRET AGENT X-9 WELL: THERE MUST BE FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS HERE -AND IN NICE OLD USABLE DENOMINATIONS! THE CHEST 15 EMPTY! SEE FOR YOURSELF CONTINUE DOWN THE TRACKS, BEYOND THAT BEND -IF YOU VALUE YOUR LIVES! THE PHANTOM THERE IS AN TODAV! WELL MY DAILY JOB, TO SEE IF THERE AT THIS! ARE ORDERS FROM THE S.C YES, WANT TO COME IN, COLONEL. SMYTH? SUPREME COMMANDER Cheche- CASUALLY SIGNAL TO A I WILL HAVE TO PUT A SPINE! ORDER OMHAT DIT, COMMISSION AND MEDALY STILL ON THE SAME DAY SON, WONDERING KNEW YOUD MAKE IT WHO THE GI Bill Backers Hopeful in Drive For Fast House OK WASHINGTON, (UP)- Supporters of new GI Bill claimed of Rights fresh for Korean veterans support Saturday for their drive to whip the legislation through limited the House Monday under de-, Opponents of one key feature of bate rules. the veterans rehabilitation measure wavered as whether they will ask the House tee vote the bilt down and take itup again later.

under rules permitting amendments, Rep. Olin E. Teague (D-Tex), sponsor of the legislation, made public letters and telegrams from major, educational groups and the U. S. Office of Education supporting the bill as it stands and oppos- Rep.

ing amendments offered by William L. Springer The bill comes to the floor Mon, under what Springer has day termed a gag rule." Debate will be limited to 40 minutes and no amendments can be considered. The bill must be voted up or down as it stands, with a two-thirds maSpringer told a reporter he won't jority required for passage. decide until Monday whether bill to press for rejection of the in its present form. He charged that the bill's free schooling provisions are rigged against private.

colleges in favor of those supported by taxes. He wants the House to consider a series of 20 amendments which he claims would correct this DAILY CROSSWORD SAP LED 1. Edible tagious 23. Anger DO WET CUE mollusks. disease 24.

Trouble ONE LODGERS 6. Permit 5. Observe 25. Chief DENY TAUNTS 11. Indian coin 6.

Beast of deity 005 700 12. Besiege burden (Babyl.) PARKED YEWS 13. Apparent 7. Measure 26. Employ ALGERDA PAL come 506 PET SHOOT LA ends of Sat- 8.

An opening 29. To METAL urn's rings for back in DRUPE NOUS 14. Begin escape: 32. Rough lava CAT ERG 15. Honey-gath- of liquid 33.

A thin ering insects 9. Monster splinter Yesterday's Answer 16. Pieces out 10. Dampens 34. A former 39.

Carting 17. A pry 18. Incident time vehicles 21. Lamenter 19. Norse god 35.

Dexterous 40.0 Otherwise 24. Father" 20. Build 36. Snare 42. Diocesan (Arab.) 21.

Antelope 38. Air (combin- center 27. Scandi- (So. Afr.) ing form) 43. Resort navians 28.

American Indians 10 30. Shoshonean: Indian 12 31. Enclosed part of an aircraft 33. Declare 34. Narrow footway 37.

Part of a 20 church 41. Hillside 21 22 25 26 dugouts 43. Pilfer 44. Drudge 45. Honey 30 32 buzzards 46.

Conical tent 33 (Am. Ind.) 47. Ascended 35 36 137 38 39 40 DOWN 1. Kind of 42 apple 2. Crescent- 45 shaped figure 3.

Projecting end of a church DAILY CRYPTOQUOTE-Here's how to work it: AXYDLBAAXR I LONGFELLO OW One letter simply stands for another. In this example A is used for the three L's. for the two O's. etc. Single letters, apos.

trophies, the length and formation of the words are all hints Each day the code letters are different. A Cryptogram Quotation XUNJSLEWU FBIASQSBI BY M- WNISQZ: GBJI MIAUJ BIU PNX, NIBQOUJ GEMIA TJUCSPPU. Yesterday's Cryptoquete: NOW THE RICH STREAM OF ACROSS 4. A con- 22. Decay SCONE OLDER VISOR CREST Ike Briggsville -By Mrs.

M. D. Paterson: Mr. and Mrs. Roland Olson and family of Kansas City are spending a week visiting his father, Mr.

Theodore Olson and brother Kermit, Frank Kimball who is at- Divine Savior hospital for an operation is getting along nicely. Mrs. Ellis Gay was thrown from her saddle horse Sunday night and was quite badly bruised. The annual home coming at the Stafford school will be held Sunday, June 1st. Pot luck dinner, Evervone welcome.

Ellis Gay and M. D. Peterson were Endeavor callers Monday morning. Ray Harvey and George Hickson caught eighteen bullheads in Little Lake Monday night. Mrs.

Joseph Gay, Mrs. Thomas Thomson, Mrs. Hugh Hindes ed on Miss Libby Hindes Sunday, Mrs. James Murphy died at Divine Savior hospital Saturday night after quite an extended illness. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Cone of Wisconsin Dells were Sunday callers at the Dick and Anna West home. Dr. and Mrs. Kemp, Miss Alpha Jane Miller and Reverend Sona from Angola, West Africa were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Brancel. Mrs. Martin E. Hanson went to du Chien on Friday to visit the plants of the General Cigar company there.

She was accompanted by Mrs. Jack Young, tage. After lodge meeting. Tuesday night, the Rebekah gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Helen Richter. Bunco was played and later a lunch was served by the committee.

A large wedding cake was cut and each one received pice. There were members present, Peter De Young of St. Anne, is here for a few days of fishing. William Nugent was a caller at the M. D.

Peterson home Wednesday afternoon. Flood Warnings Saved $1,453,000 Damages This Year LA CROSSE. Wis. (UP)--Flood protection and warnings to in danger zones, saved $1,487,000 in the 1952 flood of the Mississippi River, A. D.

Sanial, federal river observer, said Thursday Flood waters caused a total of $1,453.000 in damages, as compared with $1.800,000 in destruction in the 1951. flood when the river wits 4.6 feet lower. The greatest havoc was caused at La Crosse, $532,000, and Winona, $428,000, Sanial said in report. He based the figures on a study of some 200 miles of the flooded Mississippi River Valley from Stillwater, to Prairie Du Chien, Wis. The damage figure included 000 in destruction caused in the Root and Zumbro River Valleys of Minnesota, the only Wisconsin-Minnesota tributaries of the Mississippi to do damage.

Sanial said. He said $1,487,000 more ruin would have been caused if the swirling Mississippi River water had reached property successfully protected by dikes and levees. Flood waters began cresting in the upper Mississippi the week of April 14 and, forced hundreds of residents to -higher ground in the next two weeks as the record crest surged southward. Sanial estimated 1,040 homes aunt other buildings were kept u- touched by dikes at Winona, at a savings of $750.000. The city lost about $110,000 in wages and business income and spent $100.000 in flood control and relief fo: evacuees.

CHILDREN KEPT IN COLD NAUGATUCK, (h Negligence charges were brought a- gainst Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee, accused of living with their two. children in their automobile all winter. State police said the couple and their children, aged-7 and 11, slept in the car even in belowzero temperatures.




Portage Daily Register from Portage, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.